My grandma

The person who  influenced me the most is my grandma Esperanza Lopez Lopez . My grandma has teached me to be strong even if your falling down . She teached me that you do not need a boyfriend/mans to be happy and successful in life . She has teached me how to clean and cook and how to clean myself as a kid .

My grandma has always told me to be strong so i did . She says if a person trys to bring you down with words do not listen to them . Shes really brave and never cry’s or shows emotion and i have learned that from her . She will tell me to be good  in school so my parents dont send me to a providence school so i can have a good future.

My grandma will always say we dont need boys  to be happy . Once i liked a kid and he wasnt talking to me and i was sad and i told her about it and she said if he cant take time outta his day to talk to me to drop him . She will say how she doesnt got a boyfriend and hows shes happy . She will say if that boy isnt buying you stuff or putting in effort then they are useless.

My grandma will always clean and cook and show me how to . As a kid she helped me make eggs,Torres and tamales . She will teach me how to sweep and mop properly in case a get a husband . She says if i do not know how to cook or clean then no guy that has money will want a wife like that.

I am so grateful my grandma is in my life . she has been my biggest influence .She has teached me how to be strong , that i do not need a boyfriend to be happy or successful and how to cook and clean properly.From the bottom of my heart i will always love her . She is a very wise woman with the biggest heart .

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