My name is katie ceron and love dogs and my favortite color is purple and my family is from mexico.  I have 2 dogs one is princess she got ran over shes a mama chihuahua and has a baby chihuahua called chispita they look both the same

3 thoughts on “LOVE DOGS!!!!!!

  1. Katie,
    I love dogs, too! I never had a chihuahua because they are so small that I am afraid I will step on them. How is Princess still alive if she was run over? Do you ever take them outside to play?

  2. Hey Katie, I am Ashley valente we are soo alike i love dogs too and my parents are from mexico too, I love dogs to i have 3 of them on is a shitzu the rest i dont know its hard to tell. Are those the only dogs u have or do u have more pets? Ur blog was really good keep up with those dogs because thay are kinda crazy😂😂

  3. Katie i do like dogs and i have threes dog and used to have a chihuahua but it died and yeah they are small and you are scared to step on them.

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